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“May the sun bring you new energy by day, 

may the moon softly restore you by night, 

may the rain wash away your worries, 

may the breeze blow new strength into your being,

may you walk gently through the world

and know its beauty all the days of your life.”

Apache Blessing


I am Barbara,

yoga and movement teacher, passionate surfer and photographer.

In my classes and retreats I want to share my joy and passion for movement with you and help you establish a healthy and sustainable practice.

Come and join me for one of my classes or retreats in the mountains or by the sea!

how I got into yoga

My passion for movement and my nature-relatedness brought me to El Ostional, a tiny village on the Pacific coast in Nicaragua, where I did my first yoga teacher training

in 2016. It was an Ashtanga yoga training, back then I had no idea of yoga styles. I just wanted to move and learn.

With of my background in sports sciences,

I´ve always had a pragmatic approach and interest in a deeper understanding of movement and functional anatomy.

Always looking for the "why we do the things we do in a yoga class", I was happy to start learning from Celest Pereira 2022.

She really inspired me with her inclusive teaching style and scientific approach to yoga, movement & breathing.


sharing my passion

Since 2019, I have been working as a yoga teacher, movement practitioner and entrepreneur.

Sharing my passion for movement and fascination for the human body and brain.

Spreading my love for music & Inside Flow.

yoga x nature

I love to connect yoga x nature and create unique experiences and little adventures.

In my retreats I take you to magical places in the mountains and by the sea, so you can connect on a deeper level and experience the healing effect of movement, breath and nature around you.

It´s the simple things that make us happy

and let us feel alive and free:

taking a plunge into cold water, running around barefoot, feeling sun rays and wind, just moving outdoors in the fresh air.





M.Sc. Sports & Health Sciences

TU München

200h YTT Alba Yoga Academy

Celest Pereira & Hannah Barrett

200h Inside Yoga Teacher Training

50h The Upgrade  |  Inside Yoga

>300h Inside Flow Teacher Trainings

100h Personal Yoga Training  |  Inside Yoga

80h Functional Neurology in Yoga

Celest Pereira & Adell Bridges

42h Yin Yoga x Anatomie | M. Henning Giess

200h Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

atm: Buteyko Clinic training

25h Liquid Flow Yoga Immersion

20h SUP Yoga Teacher Training


in the water

I´ve always loved being in the water and underwater. Inevitably, I fell in love with this sport or way of movement. However, there is so much more than just the physical aspect.

The challenge and fears I am facing

in the ocean, the comfort zone I leave

when paddling out and taking-off in

powerful waves. The happiness and ease I feel every time being in the water.


by the sea

To share this feeling of lightness and simplicity and the lifestyle I experience living by the sea, I started my yoga & surf retreats together with Moni & Tom at La Luz in beautiful El Palmar, in the south of Spain.

In 2021 I finally hosted my heart project "Longboard Days", a longboard & yoga retreat I organize together with my dear friend Coko from It´s Only Water.


photography x film

Apart from yoga & movement, I love to occupy myself with photography & film

and sometimes assist in film productions. 

Absorbing knowledge through observation and learning by doing.

It´s like meditation for me to look through the lense and focus on beauty and light around me, discovering little details and creating.

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